Sunday, October 23, 2005

Video Archive by Mefeedia

This post is to test out the new feature of Video Archiving by Myfeedia. I will provide a permenant archive of my videos on the side bar. Right now though MeFeedia seems to only have 3 of my videos thumbnailed. To see others that aren't thumbnailed either look at the original post or click on their links on the side and in the blogger archives listed on the side bar, i.e. October 2005 etc.

Video archive by Mefeedia


Love you longtime! said...

hey nice vids. And I'm sure i'll be comin for more....

Love you longtime! said...

Very good "from the hood" videos. Is there any way I can download ya videos?

Lynn Lane said...

Thanks for checking out the vids!!! I think you can download them from this site! Keep stopping in for more updates. I will put up a new video every day for the most part.